The Book of UJU

True Worship of God



A message from Uju a servant of Christ Jesus by the grace of God through Christ Jesus, according to the word in the scripture,

2. To CHRISTENDOM; glory and honor be unto LORD God Almighty and Christ Jesus our Lord savior forever and ever. Amen.

3. According to Amos 7.14-15:

“Then Amos answered Amaziah, I am no prophet, nor a prophet’s son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, and the LORD took me from following the flock, and the LORD said to me, “Go prophesy to my people Israel.”

4. So am I, Uju worker of art by trade; the Word of God, the Spirit of God, in the name of Christ Jesus appeared to me in a flame of fire from the Scripture; and I immediately prophesied saying, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” to people of the world.

5. I am no pastor, evangelist, prophet nor an apostle, but by the grace and mercy of God the father of Christ Jesus, I am writing this message to Christendom according to the scripture.


“IN the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” – Gen 1.1.

7. On the sixth day God created man, as stated in Gen 1.27,

“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

The First Commandment

8. The first commandment of God to man laid the foundation of worship of God to man. This is evident in Gen 2.16,17:

“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”

9. This is the first commandment of God to man – obedience, the main worship.

10. In this very moment man was in direct accord and communication with his creator, LORD God. There was no intermediary between God and man; everything was very good as written in Gen 1.31.

11. Obedience to the commandment of God to man is the only true worship.

12. Man then was in a spiritual state (full glory of God) such that man’s relationship with God had no problem; and this gave rise to perfect relationship between man and God.

13. Then, man had not obtained immortality of life put his heart by God. Man needed to perfect his obedience to God to obtain immortality of life: man was meant to die if he disobeys God’s commandment before obtaining the desired immortality of life.

14. Man needed to continue the worship of God until he obtained immortality of life – living forever.

15. But there was another tree in the Garden of Eden called the Tree of Life man was required to eat to live forever. But only obedience to the commandment of God was the condition to man to eat the Tree of Life and live forever.

16. Man was in a spiritual state with God and desired to live in this spiritual state forever. To achieve this man needed to worship God by obeying His commandment.

17. For true worship is obedience, and obedience is the true worship to God to live forever.

18. But how would you ascertain true worship or obedience if it is not put to test. It must be tested. The testing of the obedience was not meant to make you fall but to prove your true obedience.

19. Man was still in a spiritual state – full of glory of God before his obedience was about to be put to test.

20. Then, the test came.

21. Lucifer was among the prominent angels of God, but for pride he lost his position and holy relationship with God. Pride made Lucifer impenitent to God to this day; he became Satan the Devil, and started to unleash mayhem upon God’s creation unrepentantly.

22. Satan the Devil came in the form of a serpent – Rev 20.2, to the woman (Eve) to tempt her that eventually led to the fall of man (Adam) as written in Gen 3.1-24.

24. Man disobeyed God and falls short the glory of God upon him. Man, out of disobedience lost his spiritual state (the full glory of God) that could have led him to eternal life!

25. Man through disobedience lost the true worship of God; and God cursed him, the woman and the serpent – Gen 3.14-19. This incident brought sin and death to all mankind as a result.

26. And God sent man and the woman out of the Garden of Eden to fend for themselves, and guarded the Tree of Life against man – Gen 3.22-24.

28. The disobedience of man led to sin and, sin to death. The loss of true worship to God leads man to sin and sin leads to death – eternal death.

Obedience as the True Worship of God

29. From the fall of Adam, man has lost the true worship of God through disobedience; and the desire for   eternity of life put in the heart of man by God became an elusive one. The fight to regain a holy relation with his creator became very difficult in a bid to satisfy the craving to live forever. As a result man came up with a channel to relate and reach out to his creator in order to achieve immortality of life; and this channel became a religion.

30. But God’s steadfast love for man never changed. God is more worried than man to re-establish His holy relationship with man to enable man gain eternal life. God is the one that put eternity of life in the heart of man, and is doing all in His power that desire is realized by man………the utmost joy of God.

31. This demonstrates how loving and merciful God is to man; despite man’s disobedience (loss of true worship) to God, God in His infinite mercy forgave man and strived earnestly to restore man to eternity.

32. In God’s steadfast love for man, God devised a means to bring back man to Himself by speaking to man through intermediaries, because man in his fallen state could not hear clearly and directly from God.

33. These intermediaries God used to speak to man became God’s messengers to broker peace between God and man: they are called the prophets of God, and the message became prophetic message – either spoken or written with powerful signs and wonders indicating that they are really sent by God.

34. The infallibility of the prophetic messages as to time and space is an assurance that it came from God who never fails to fulfill His words.

The Characteristics of God’s True Prophets

36. Man disobeyed God and fell short of the glory of God – that gave rise to sin and death of man. Man in his present state could not hear clearly and directly from God. Even when God fervently tried to speak direct to man a great barrier always stands in between – blocks it, thereby making it difficult for man to hear and understand God. Wow!

 37. The inability of man to hear and understand God makes it difficult for man to relate and reach out to God; and this looks as though God is elusive to man. No, God is nearer to man than man thought. But because of the gulf standing between God and man brought about by man’s disobedience to God, makes man unable to perceive the activities of God in heaven and on earth.

38. There was now a vacuum, though nature does not tolerate a vacuum. To fill the intolerable vacuum came faith. Faith filled the unbearable vacuum.    

39. Faith became the only means wherein man can comfortably relate and reach out to God in his state of sin and death – life without the full glory of God.

40. Faith is the first characteristics of God’s true prophets! It is impossible to please God without faith.

41. Faith – the unwavering believe in the existence of God through works: acting on the belief in faith.

42. For he who believes that there is God must act in obedience to prove that, because demons also believe there is God but act in disobedience to that belief.

43. One who obeys God because of his belief in the existence of God, loves God. Faith acts in concert with love. Without the love of God your faith is dead – cannot work.

44. Love is the second characteristics of God’s true prophets!

45. Faith and love produce the righteousness of man to God through resolute belief: Abraham.

46. Hope is another staunch characteristic of God’s true prophet; under severe trails you persevere in expectation of better times – you have absolute trust in God for God’s faithfulness that God can never fail you.

47. For faith, love and hope, love is the greatest: faith and hope may wane but love is eternal.

48. These three – faith, love and hope amongst others are the foundational characteristics of God’s true prophets; and the constitute the true worship of God.

The Structure of True Worship of God

1. From human example every building has a structure – the foundation and body of the building. This is applicable in the worship of God.

2. The true worship of God is built on the foundation of obedience to the Word of God; and the Word of God is the Spirit of God. This is affirmed in John 1.1,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

3. “The Word was God” and became flesh and dwelled among men in the name of the Son – Jesus Christ out of love of God for the salvation of man.

4. Jesus Christ the righteousness of God and the gospel of God – the word of God; the eternal life.

5. Both the Word and the word are the same: The Lord said, “The word I speak to you is Spirit and life”. Christ Jesus: the foundation of true worship of God. Jesus Christ – the only way, life and truth to Jehovah: the mediator of the New Covenant.

6. The body of the building of the worship of God is the Church. The Church is the body of Christ.

7. The prophets of the old never had a proper understanding of this. And, wondered how and when it should be.  The revelation came to them from God, and they prophesized it, and longed fervently for its manifestation bearing the Spirit of Christ in them, as written in 1Peter 1.10,11:

“The prophets who prophesized of the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired about this salvation; they inquired what person or time was indicated by the Spirit of Christ within them when predicting the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glory.”

8. It is true in the time past God spoke to the people of old through the prophets, but this time to all – both old and new by His son, Christ Jesus: Heb. 1.1,2.

9. So in the time past the structure of true worship of God was physical, but today is spiritual. The spiritual came before the physical. The physical was the copy of the spiritual which is in heaven. The spiritual in the sense that is not of this creation – not made by human hand as in the old.

The Structure of Worship of God of the Old

10. The worship of God is the same – both in the old and in the new: obedience of the Word of God, but the approach is the only difference. It is true the son of God, Jesus Christ has been from Creation, even being the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden was a faithful indication of his indispensability to eternal life of man.

11. But the revelation of Christ to man marked the beginning of a new age in the life of all mankind; Christ’s appearance or coming in the flesh to show the way, truth and life practically as an attainable feat by man drew the line demarcating the old from the new.

12. The coming of Christ as the Messiah prophesied by the prophets of the old suggests that the structure of worship of the old was faulty and could not lead man to the desired perfection.

13. What is this structure of worship of God of the old that couldn’t lead man to the most wanted eternal Life? Without proper understanding of the structure of worship of the old you will not appreciate the structure of worship of the new that would lead man to immortality of life revealed by the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

14. It wasn’t the intention of God for man to fall and fall short of His glory. To demonstrate this, God laid a structure of worship to bring man back to Him.

15. The fall man brought about various and diverse ways of worships that gave rise to different types of religions; as result of this, there was sporadic confusion in worships. Every man was building a religious structure suitable to him to relate and reach out to his perceived deity.

16. To reconcile the religious perplexity, God had to introduce a model structure of worship to bring back man, to Him. What a merciful God!  

17. God’s model structure of worship was given to those who were able to see God in their hearts through faith, hope and love – the true people of God.

18. These true people of God have a genealogy traceable to Adam:

Adam’s descendants to Noah – Gen 5.1-32

Noah’s descendants to Shem – Gen 10.1-32

Ancestors of Abraham: from Shem to Abraham – Gen 11.10-32

Abraham’s descendants to Christ – Matt 1.1-17

Christ and the Body of Christ (the Church) to God – from Genesis to Revelation to eternity!

19. So, God knows His people from Creation to eternity, world without end.

20. Therefore, the structure of true worship of God has been before the foundation of the world, but made manifest to the people of God, Israel during Moses’ era as the worship of the old to enable them to achieve the desirable eternity of life.

21. To this, God made a covenant between Him and the people of Israel, and Moses as the mediator.

22. The covenant, called the First Covenant instituted a structure of worship came down from heaven!

23. It is true God does not dwell in a house (temple) made by hands, God decided to set up one for the people of Israel to counter those set up by Israel contemporaries. Remember God led Israel away from the land of Egypt where idol worship was at its zenith with awe-inspiring adoration and veneration. Israel needed theirs, and God knew this before time. Recall that abstinence makes the mind grows fonder.

24. God in His infinite wisdom knew Israel might dream of Egypt, decided to oppose that, and gave Israel a structure of worship more excellent and powerful than that of Egypt and the rest of the world.

25. I would say that Jacob’s enslavement for about 400years in the land of Egypt was divine!

26. Just like in human setting every structure has a design guided by certain principles and objectives, understood and agreed upon to execute it as planned; oftentimes memorandum of understanding is drawn and entered by all parties involved: signed and sealed.

27. The same is applicable in God’s setting, which involves a more perfect agreement between Him and the people of Israel leading to the 1st Covenant.

The First Covenant – The Old Covenant

28. The true worship of God is not different from obedience of the Word of God or true fellowship with God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit right from creation of heaven and earth. But for the sake of the fake setting up of the wrong structure of worship by Israel’s contemporaries, God in His wisdom decided to give Jacob a more excellent structure of worship opposed to the peoples of their time.

29. In order to institute the perfect worship where the people of Israel would draw nearer to Him for forgiveness of sinner through mercy to perfect their consciences, Jehovah had a formal agreement with them wherein all they needed to do to enter His rest were spelt out called the 1st Covenant.

30. The 1st Covenant referred as the Old Covenant contained the Law, Statutes and Ordinances. 

31. The Law: under the Law the people of Israel received the 10 Commandment – Ex 20.2-17; Deut. 5.6-21.

32. The 1st Covenant also contained the Book of the Covenant, Statutes and Ordinances – Deuteronomy chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.

33. Under Statues and Ordinances the people of Israel had:

1, Religious Statutes – Deut. 12.2-32; Deuteronomy chapters 13,14,15; Deut. 16.1-17

2. Civil Statutes – Deut. 16.18-20; Deuteronomy chapter 18

3. Criminal Law – Deuteronomy chapters 19,20 and 21.1-4

4. Other Statues – Deut. 21.15-23; Deuteronomy chapters 24,25 and 26

34. Religious Statutes; under Religious Statutes Jacob had: The Priesthood called the Levitical Priesthood – Levy Chapters 8 and 9. The Levitical Priesthood constituted the Priest and the Levites; though they came from the same tribe of Levy, the Priest belonged to Aaron and his household; while the Levites were the ministers – Num 18.1-32. Aaron and his household being the priest was freely given to them by God under the Covenant of Salt, with the penalty of death of interference by the Levites and other people of Israel – Num18.19: this is why the Levitical Priesthood was by the Order of Aaron   – Heb 7.11. All these things were freely given to them by God. Under the Levitical Priesthood the Levities received the Tithes – Heb 7.5, which was also an offering.

35. Sacrifices: sacrifices were offered which included:

a. The Burnt Offering – Lev 1.3-17

b. The Cereal Offering – Lev 2.1-16

c. The Peace Offering – Lev 3.1-17

d. The Sin Offering – Lev 14.1-35; 5.1-13

e. The Guilt Offering – Lev 5.14-19; 6.1-17

36. Severance Laws of Holiness: there were others laws initiated by God to Israel dealing with holiness patterning to lifestyle which included amongst the following:

a. Sabbath – weekly, from Friday evenings to Saturday evenings

b. Marriage

c. Holy Things

d. Holy Times – seasons, all year round

e. Rules for Priests

f. Promises

g. Scared Calendar

f. Warnings

i. Vows and other Tithes

j. General statutes and sacrifices

k. Things clean and unclean

l. Ritual Requirements

m. Personal Cleanliness

n. Etc

37. All these were planned out and delivered carefully by God from heaven to the people of Israel through Moses as the mediator of the 1st Covenant.

38. Then came the Tent of Meeting containing the tabernacle with the outer court, inner court and holy of holies. This had the Ark, Altars, Lampstand, Bread of Presence, Ephod, Altar of Incense, and Table of Shewbread, etc.

39. The whole structure was a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary shown to Moses by God on the mountain – Heb 8.5.

40. The whole model was a modular structure and was therefore mobile, until a temple was built for it by King Solomon, though God does not dwell in a temple built by hand.

41. By this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot perfect the conscience of the worshipper, but deal only with food and drinks and various ablutions, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation – Heb 9.9,10.

42. Why did God turn away from this setting He labored to establish?

43. Why did God abolish the 1st Covenant with all the amazing settings?

44. Why did God change the Levitical Priesthood and necessarily the Law?

45. To demonstrate God’s total rejection of the 1st Covenant and its structure the temple was completely destroyed after Jesus Christ’s ascension to heaven in fulfillment of his prophesy – Matt 24.1,2.

46. The reason for God’s total rejection of the 1st Covenant and its settings is just obvious: it couldn’t lead man, to eternal life, the main God’s desire – Heb 8.7; 8.13; 9.9,10. What a merciful God of Israel!

48. Consequently, the essence of true worship of God is for eternal life, and this could only be achieved through His son, Jesus Christ by the 2nd Covenant.

The Second Covenant – The New Covenant

1. In the beginning, that is from creation God has expected man’s obedience to His word to enable man gain the desire of God – eternal life through His son Christ Jesus represented in the Garden of Eden as the Tree of Life and made manifest as Christ today.

2. The expected obedience is the true worship and fellowship of man with God and Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

3. The failure of the 1st Covenant to fulfill God’s desire gave way to the 2nd Covenant.

4. In the course of the 1st Covenant God spoke to the people of Israel through His prophets, most of whom were killed by the people of Israel probably out of sheer ignorance or hypocrisy. The then prophets received revelations through the Holy Spirit of God which they spoke and wrote and passed same to the people of Israel as prophesies. Some of these prophecies were written down and formed the scripture.

5. There were so many prophets of God, some were known to one another and to the people of Israel, while some are not, but personally known by God Himself. Remember how God reminded Elijah that He had about faithful seven thousand prophets in the land of Israel unknown to Elijah when Elijah felt he was the only prophet in the land of Israel.

6. These prophets had their respective duties and responsibilities as appealed to God carried out not withstanding time and space, and with human frailty. The activities of these prophets and their consequences were never new to the people of Israel. Several consultations were put to them by the people of Israel to inquire of God’s dealings with them, notable by the kings of Israel.

7. Most of the prophets of the old prophesied about Christ and events heralding his coming; the expected changes that would take place in prelude to his revelation to mankind as the Messiah.

8. One of the changes prophesied is the bringing in of a new covenant, quite different from the old one. The revelation of a new covenant by God never took the prophets by surprise after being fed up by the sins and impenitence of the people of Israel to God in the 1st Covenant.

9. Among the prominent prophets of God that prophesied about the New Covenant was Jeremiah; and this is written in Jer. 31.33, 34:

“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD; I will put my law within them, and I will write upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘ know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

10. In the era of this prophesy none understood when and how the prophesy would be made manifest; even the prophets and some other notable people of God searched and inquired how it would come about. But the expectation of the Messiah was in the hearts of all that would probably free them from their enemies who they thought were physical insurgents surrounding their cities. Israel were expecting the Messiah as one mighty man of war that would rescue them from the clutches of their adversaries.

11. Just like in the 1st Covenant, the 2nd Covenant has a structure of worship equally based on the obedience of the Word of God; but the difference is that 2nd Covenant structure of worship is not physical but spiritual.

12. The 1st covenant had a physical temple referred to as Synagogue with the relevant laws, statutes and ordinances. It had Moses the servant of God as the mediator, and the Levites as the priests and ministers, and the people of Israel as congregate.  

13. But this is not the same with the 2nd Covenant.

The Structure of Worship of the 2nd Covenant – The New Covenant

14. It is evident that God does not dwell in a house or temple built by hand; the people of Israel were grappling with this understanding to this day, including all mankind except some selected few.

15. I have explained why God gave Israel a physical structure of worship, but from the beginning it is not so: God has always desired spiritual worship from all and sundry bringing about the origin of faith.

16. But faith cannot be manifested while the physical worship is still in place. The physical needs to give way to the spiritual for all mankind to gain direct access to God and be saved.

17. This God’s designs of the salvation of man has been from creation: The Tree of Life being in the Garden of Eden was a demonstration of God’s faithful intent and purpose for man to live forever.

18. To achieve His lovely desire God did not only open the way to the Tree of Life that was formerly barricaded by the angels of the God but brought out the Tree of Life to dwell with all mankind!

19. Now the Tree of Life is with you; eat freely of its fruits and live forever, God pleaded with mankind.

20. This is the essence of the 2nd Covenant – the New Covenant!   

21. So what and how is the structure of worship of the New Covenant?

22. To have a proper understanding of the structure of worship of the New Covenant lets read it again:

“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD; I will put my law within them, and I will write upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

23. The Letter to the Hebrews expounded the significance and indispensability of the 2nd Covenant to mankind to gain eternal life, and gave vivid reasons why 1st Covenant was abolished to enable the manifestation of the New Covenant.

24. A little description of the genesis of the New Covenant would help us to understand the power it has to free man from the bondage of sin and death to eternal life.

25. The twelve sons of Jacob named Israel by God Himself were bestowed with various blessings by Jacob their father; and these were made manifest in their prophetic lives.

26. These are the twelve sons of Israel: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph and Benjamin; these sons formed the twelve tribes of Israel.

28. And to Judah, Jacob blessed forth, as written in Gen 49.10:

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.”

29. From the prophetic blessing the scepter was perpetually laid in Judah by the anointing of David as the king of Israel. In fulfillment of the everlasting kingship of Judah God made a faithful promise to King David of raising a son of his to the throne of eternal existence – to whom it belongs; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. 

30. The conferment of the everlasting kingdom is such that it is an endless king and priest of the Most High God: a double ranking. The preeminence of Judah over Levi in this regard is very obvious.

31. To whom the scepter belongs, and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples is the Son of David – the very begotten Son of LORD God: Jesus Christ, as written in Matt 1.1,

“The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”

31. At the appointed time the enthronement of the everlasting kingship was instituted anchored by the New Covenant; and every covenant are assigned a mediator, but in this regard a son and not a servant as stated in Heb 3:5,

“Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that were to be spoken later, but Christ was faithful over God’s house as a son.”

32. The kingship and priesthood of the mediator of the New Covenant was made manifest even before the birth of the sons of Israel in the guise of Melchizedek: Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God: he is first, by translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, that is, king of peace. He is without father or mother or genealogy, and he has neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever – Heb 7.1-3.

33. This is the personification of the Law, Statutes and Ordinances of the New Covenant. By this implication the Law, Statutes and Ordinances of both the Old and New Covenants is Christ Jesus – the righteousness of God. 

34. In the 1st Covenant the Levites were only holding the priesthood called Levitical Priesthood, and not together with the kingship which belonged to the kings of Israel. Their priesthood was not even permanent but temporary; the people of Israel were in earnest expectation of the Messiah.

35. The statute of priesthood is verified by an order: the Levitical Priesthood name by the order of Aaron, and without an oath; then Christ Priesthood came by the order of Melchizedek and with an oath by God – Heb 7.11,12,20,21.

36. The change of priesthood necessitated a change in the law, as stated in Heb 7.12,

“For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well.”

37. Note: there is a change in the law following a change of priesthood.

38. The 1st Covenant and its law, statutes and ordinances were swallowed up and synthesized to give a new one: a new product. As a result, there wasn’t an abolishment but a fulfillment of the law in Christ Jesus; said the Lord in Matt 5.17,18:

“I didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill it.”

39. Meaning he didn’t come to tell the world not to obey the law, but to do its requirements. Therefore the fulfillment of the law is Christ Jesus.

40. Now, all the fulfillment of the law, statues and ordinances is summed up in one: love.

41. Love your neighbor as yourself.

42. And your neighbor could be your enemy (Matt 5.44), people of different faith with you, people of different race, class, gender………. etc.  This is because God is love, and love is God – 1John 4.7-9. And anything you do to one you do to God irrespective of human distinction.

43. Therefore the structure of worship of the New Covenant is built on the foundation of love, and Christ being the cornerstone and the Church as the body.

44. As in the Old Covenant, the New Covenant has its ministry called the ministry of reconciliation; and the ministers called the ministers of the New Covenant – 2 Cor 3.6.

45. It also has a high priest, who is Christ Jesus – Heb 8.1,2.

46. And the wages of the ministers of the New Covenant is the Offering for the Saints – 2 Cor 9.1, as opposed to the Tithes paid as wages to the Levites – ministers of the Old Covenant. This is makes it a grievous sin to collect tithes in the name of Jesus Christ as ministers of the New Covenant – a horrible, wicked and evil deception; saying is scriptural, that is lawful. But the same scripture says in 1Cor 10.23 that,

“All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up.”

Yes, tithe offering is scriptural; it was lawful, but no longer helpful.

Yes, tithe offering is biblical; it was lawful; instead of building up it became destructive!

Tithe offering contributed in leading the people of Israel away to eternal damnation, instead of leading them to eternal life. The scripture reaffirms the spirit of these deceitful workmen in 2Cor 11.13-15:

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So, it is not strange if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”

47. Most importantly the congregate of the New Covenant is the whole world; for Christ died once and for all – 1John 2.2. But, the congregate of the Old Covenant was exclusively for the people of Israel.

The Characteristics of Worship in the New Covenant

1. God the Father of creation and everlasting life is sincerely seeking for faithful worshippers.

2. The New Covenant is anchored on ministry of reconciliation (2Cor 3.18, 19) with Christ Jesus as the high priest (Heb 8.1) and the ministers as the ministers of the New Covenant (2Cor 3.5, 6) – the ambassadors for Christ ( 2Cor 5.20) for all mankind.

3. It is no lie that the 1st Covenant was a dispensation of death, because it couldn’t lead the Israelites to eternal life in comparison to the 2nd Covenant which is the dispensation of life – leading all mankind to everlasting life.

4. It is evident that those who dwell in the Old Covenant have their hearts veiled – unenlightened, because only through Christ shall your hearts be enlightened, who is the New Covenant as stated in 2Cor 3.6-18.

5. The primary purpose of the New Covenant is to bring immortality to light through the gospel no long by physical worship but rather by spiritual worship.

6. What do we mean by spiritual worship?

7. Spiritual worship is the worship of God in spirit and truth which is the main characteristics of the New Covenant; because God is spirit, so anyone who worships God must do so in spirit and truth, says the Lord in John 4.23 -24:

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

8. Check the emphasis – “for such the Father seeks to worship him.”

9. From the beginning – from creation, God has dutifully been searching out for those who will worship him in spirit and truth, the foundation of true worship and anchor of the New Covenant.

10. But, a lot of people do not understand what is to worship in spirit and truth. If they knew they wouldn’t be killing Jesus Christ as they do to this day, more especially the Christian Religion.

Worship in Spirit and Truth

11. “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth”, the Lord reaffirmed.

12. What is worship?

13. Worship is obedience of the Word of God.

14. Worship in spirit and truth implies obedience of the Word of God in spirit and truth. 

15. What is spirit and truth?

16. What is spirit?

17. God is spirit.

18. God is spirit and dwells in the heart or spirit of man. This is the reason man is the temple of God.

19. Your conscience is God, recording down (judgment) all what you are doing while living through his Holy Spirit! And this record gives rise to the Book of Life and Books of Death – Rev 20.12. The heart of man is also spirit. Man is both spirit and flesh – living being – Gen 2.7. Remember what the Lord says, that the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing, referring to man or the nature of man.

20. What is truth?

21. Jesus Christ is the truth: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”, says Christ Jesus in John 14.6.

22. In another version Christ Jesus says in John 8.31,32:

“If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

23. The truth is Christ Jesus, and he will set you free from the dominion of sin and bondage of death unto eternal life if you know him – the essence of the New Covenant.

24. So, the worship in spirit and truth means the obedience of the Word of God in your heart or spirit through Jesus Christ.

25. This is why the New Covenant is known as the spiritual worship, referring to the heart of man; for the LORD God says in the New Covenant, “I will write my laws on their hearts.” As the spiritual worship it is the dispensation of life as opposed to the Old Covenant, the physical worship – the dispensation of death.

26. You now understand why God is seeking for those who will worship him in spirit and truth; and the Lord endorses this in Matt 5.8:

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

27. By that statement, the Lord meant that those who worship God in spirit (heart) and truth (Christ), shall see God.

28. But, how many are doing this?

29. Where are those doing this?

30. Who are they?

They Are the Body of Jesus Christ – The true Church

31. The true Church is not the Christian Religion “Church”; no they are not the Christian Religion churches –  hypocrites! (Matt 23.1-39). Jesus Christ completely denied them as written in Matt 7.22,23:

“On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘never knew; depart from me, you evildoers.”

32. The true Church of God – the Body of Christ is yet to be formed; they will be generated from the “ashes” of Babylon the great – the Christian Religion and the rest of the world. In Babylon the great are some true worshippers of God in spirit and truth; the same is applicable to the rest of the world: some are in the world, outside the city of Babylon the great. Remember the parable of the weeds in Matt 13.24-30; Matt 13.36-43.

33. From the parable of the weeds in Matt 13.24-30; Matt 13.36-43, it is obvious we have some people who worship God in spirit and truth in Christian Religion! This is so until the time of harvest as today’s Christian Religion are not slaves to Christian Religion but are slaves to their consciences for the sake of Christ Jesus. By reason of their consciences they are in fellowship with God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit together with those who are doing the same, but outside Christian Religion;

34. By this implication, there are true worshippers of God in spirit and truth who are not in Christian Religion: they are the refugees of Christian Religion – Babylon the great, and those entirely outside, who never joined them; and those without religion.

35. Of those who never joined Christian Religion are in other religions of man held captives by their captors, while others of same group do not have any religion. These groups are disenfranchised by Christian Religion from the common wealth of Christ Jesus: those without religion and those in other religions of man order than Christian Religion.

36. The refugees of Christian Religion – Babylon the great, are those who heeded the call of God and came out of Babylon the great – Christian Religion as written in Rev 18.4:

“Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in plagues;”

37. These are the refugees of Christian Religion – Babylon the great. And, I am one of them. Yes I am one of the refugees of Babylon, the great – Christian Religion: the most hostile religion on earth!

38. As refugees of Christian Religion – Babylon the great, we are now freed by the mercy and grace of God through Christ Jesus from her shackles; we are among the true Christians in spirit and truth.                                      

39. In view of the above understanding, we the refugees of Babylon the great; the worshippers of God in spirit and truth still in Christian Religion; the worshippers of God in spirit and truth in other religions order than Christian Religion referred to as “Saul” to be converted by the Lord himself during the 1000 years of righteousness as written in Rev 20.4, 5; and those true worshippers of God without any religion: their consciences being their religion.

40. All these people mentioned above will constitute the Body of Jesus Christ – the true Church of God together with those who have fallen asleep in the time of harvest.

41. The Lord will call them with the voice of the archangel, and those who have fallen asleep will arise first, and those living will change automatically and join them with the Lord: they will constitute the Body of Christ – the true Church if God, as stated in 1Thess 4.16,17:

“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first: then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; so we shall always be with the Lord.”

42. Please check the phrase, “so we shall always be with the Lord”, meaning the Body – the true Church of the Lord.

43. Therefore, there is nowhere present the Body of Christ – the true Church of God. The so called “Churches” formed by Christian Religion are not the true Church of God. No, they are not. They are also not the assembly of the brethren as Christian Religion claims. The Christian Religion’s claim of the assembly of the brethren in the name of “Churches” is the greatest deceit in religion.

44. Christian Religion point of reference to bring all and sundry and form “Churches” and called them assembly of the brethren was an advice given in relation to meeting together as written in Heb 10.25:

“not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some,”

45. Christian Religion – Babylon the great, has misrepresented this verse as they have misquoted Malachi in Mal 3.6-12 in matters concerning Israelites in tithes payment.

46. Christian Religion has turned the whole scripture upside down for the sake mammon and leadership greed’ and as such have led so many souls to hell fire like themselves – Matt 23.15.

47. Bear in mind that wherever you are, doing the will of God that is, obeying the Word of God, you are having fellowship with God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit; for God does not show any partiality as stated in Acts 10.34,35:

“And Peter opened his mouth and said: Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”

48. Check again the phrase, “but in every nation” implying irrespective of religions.

True Meeting Together

1. What is “meeting together” as mentioned in Heb 10.25?

2. Scriptural writings, statements and in fact living standards and their meanings are quite different from worldly ones. If you live by worldly definitions of scriptural matters you are totally misled.

3. Scriptural issues are prophetic, and therefore needs the interpretation of the Holy Spirit of God as stated in 1 Cor 2.13:

“And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.”

4. In another verse in 2Peter 1.20,21 it reinstated that:

“First of all, you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy came by the impulse of men, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”

5. Please note these words as written in the above quotations: words of God, prophecy and Holy Spirit; by this it means the scripture is wholly the words of God – the prophecies of God through His Holy Spirit.

6. The scripture is written and interpreted by the Holy Spirit of God through men who have the Spirit of God; and not through men who do not possess the Spirit of God, called worldly men or unspiritual men as written in 1Cor 2.14:

“The unspiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.”

7. Check out the phrase, “the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God”, meaning it is a gift from God to possess the Holy Spirit and the substances thereof: Christ-like; prophecies; interpretations of the word of God; miracles, signs and wonders, etc.; though we still have the fakes, so many in number.

8. In view of the above it clearly distinguished between men of Spirit and worldly men: their knowledge and understanding of the things of God.

9. This is the reason why the scripture has urged us to test every spirit to ascertain if they are from God or from the world. Most writings and interpretations of the things of God are done by people who do not possess the Spirit of God, more especially in Christian Religion. These people are called fake or false people of God – both men and women – 2Peter 2.1-22; Jude 3-23; and from Genesis to Revelation in the Bible they are all mentioned.

10. So, it is wholly and only by the Spirit of God – the Holy Spirit you can do anything spiritually – in the past, present and forever.

11. And the possession of the Spirit of God is a gift from God: not by works of law or righteousness, but by gift, that is by grace in faith in Christ Jesus –Rm 3.21-31; Galatians chapters 2,3,4.

12. So, what is “meeting together”?

13. Is “meeting together” the gathering of people in Christian Religion’s “Churches”? NO!

14. So, what is “meeting together” by scriptural interpretation of the Holy Spirit?

15. By this, we need to understand what true fellowship is. True fellowship with God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit is not mere gathering together or association or Christian Religion’s “Churches”; it is rather the obedience of the word of God in spirit and truth irrespective of religion: that is men carried by the Holy Spirit of God meeting together by the power of the gathering of the Spirit. Most times these meetings are spontaneous – that is by impulse of the Holy Spirit. 

16. This meeting together by the power of the Holy Spirit of men who possess the Spirit does not constitute the teaching of the word of God, but rather the sharing of the word of God among them as noted in the New Covenant, Heb 8.11:

“And they shall not teach everyone his fellow or everyone his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord’, for all shall know me,”

17. Do you understand these words: teach, fellow, brother, ‘know the Lord’!

18. First when they meet, they are one – fellows or brothers (brethren); second – not teaching but sharing, because they all know the Lord.

19. Fellows or brothers (brethren) means people of same Spirit of God and having same knowledge and understanding of God in varying degrees to enable them to share, rather than to teach. For teaching is to your subjects and not to your “equals”. You share among “equals”! Teaching in this respect means lording over. And this the way of heartens – Christian Religion. They love lording it over their subjects, says Christ Jesus in Matt 20.25

20. Then, you would ask me why does the scripture encourage teaching or preaching? 

21. From literal understanding teaching is an act of learning probably between a teacher and a student, sometimes in a school or institution. The student is expected to graduate one day, and either takes to teaching or does something else. Occasionally, the teacher might make some mistakes – James 3.1,2.

22. Some teachers are born-teachers, they are gifted, and therefore become exceptional in the profession: they are very passionate about teaching. While some are not, and gained their skill by self-struggle. Many are not real teachers or are fakes and pretend in order to survive.

23. This is applicable to the things of God. In God’s affairs, He gave various gifts to people He has called and chosen to train the people to become His Church as written in Eph 4.11-15:

“And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.”

24. You see the essence of God’s gifts to chosen men of God: to build the Church of God in realization of the knowledge of Christ to avoid be deceived and be saved.

25. Is this what Christian Religion of the day doing? NO.

26. Instead, Christian Religion cunningly and deceitfully corner the public hold them hostage and rob them of their souls with the Bible in the name of men of God for mammon and leadership greed.  Spiritual thieves!

27. The “Churches” Christian Religion has frantically and fraudulently established could have been “institutions” of spiritual learning for the “graduation” of the populace to the knowledge of Christ and eventually develop into the Body of Christ – the true Church of God.

28. In its place, they gather together and erroneously brand them assembly of the brethren and hold them to life-long incarceration: no going forward, no going backward. In their drive to perpetually hold them captives, they make unfaithful promises of spiritual blessings, earthly wealth and heaven- on- earth living.

29. As though their false claims are not enough they go head to make assertions that their lustful wealthy lifestyles are the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. 

30. The meeting together of Christian Religion “Churches” is the gathering of brood of vipers – blooding sucking serpents: children of the ancient serpent – Satan the Devil. They claim to fellowship with Christ while their fellowships are in pit of hell; never mind, their judgment is not idle in the hands of God.

31. So, how do the true children of God meet together? Yes, I have said it before, and to throw more light to it, should be in their “homes” by the incident of the Holy Spirit.

32. The Lord says, where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst – Matt 18.20. Please pay attention to the phrase: ‘’gathered in my name”, implying in my Spirit, and not mere name; for a lot gather in the mere name of the Lord, and the Lord will not be in their midst. When people of same Spirit of God gather together God will definitely fulfill His promise of being in their midst: this is the gathering of the brethren.

33. And God gives them signs that He is in their midst by honoring their call. God makes His presence to be felt wherever and whenever He is with His people. It is very obvious you will clearly notice God’s presence; He can never hide. Even your spirit will testify to the presence of God in your midst.

34. If you gather together without the Spirit of God in your midst definitely you will know. There must be also a glaring absence of His presence in your midst, indicating that God is not in your midst.

35. Where will this gathering be to attract the presence of God? Is it in Christian Religion “Churches”? NO! It is in your “homes”! Your “homes” means in your hearts.

36. Remember, God dwells in our hearts – our spirits. So, when we have individually God’s Spirit in our hearts and meet together irrespective of time and space, definitely God will be in our midst with signs and wonders indicating His holy presence in our midst. God will definitely make His presence to be felt when His people meet in His name(Spirit) – irrespective of the number, space and time.

37. God manifests His presence even when it is only one person possessing His Spirit in the multitude of people without His Spirit. God will through the one person possessing His Spirit manifest Himself to the multitude; then check out how magnificent His presence would be when two or three persons who possess His Spirit are in the crowd of a lot of people that do not possess His Spirit.

38. This is the meaning of “meeting or gathering together” – that is meeting or gathering together in the Spirit of God of people who possess the Spirit of God and the gifts thereof, referred to as the brethren; this is in stark contrast to gathering together of Christian Religion “Churches”.

39. So, brethren stand for the people who possess the Spirit of God, and the gifts thereof. They constitute the Body of Christ – the true Church of God; and not those who merely call the name of the Lord by virtue of religion: The Lord would deny them as noted in Matt 7.22,23:

“On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘never knew; depart from me, you evildoers.”

40. Therefore the best physical place of meeting or gathering together is in our families.

41. Remember you never chose into what family you would be born into; it is the Lord’s doing! So, God in His infinite wisdom and desire has meticulously chosen our families for us. Consequently, is no mistake to be born into the family you find yourself: it is by divine default!

42. As a result you should be thankful to God for the family you are born into irrespective of religion, race, class and other human distinctions.

44. Everything God has done is perfect in itself, and for divine purpose. It is not in wisdom, man rejects his own family, or over bloat his family over others – it is a fake life.

45. It is no gain saying that man could turn down his own family for the sake of the kingdom of God, but still maintains physical relationship with the family while living a spiritual life of God.

46. A good example of this is the Lord. Jesus Christ in Matt 12.49,50 exemplifies this when he said:

“Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister and mother.”

48. In spite of the Lord’s statement, he still maintained physical relationship with his physical family, while on earth. If the Lord had not be borne into his physical family he wouldn’t have been able to become the Christ. Never! The Lord’s physical family was a prelude to his being the Christ; and the prophesy had already been carried out for it by the prophets of the old.

50. Therefore, everyone had already been positioned into what family to be borne into by God.

51. So, the first place of meeting in the Spirit of God is in your physical families, more especially when some of the physical family members possess the Spirit of God and the gifts therefore. It will have a lasting spiritual influence on you, when your physical families have the fear of God, and frequently meet together in the name(Spirit) of God.

52. This is the reason why the Lord says, that if you train a child in the way of the Lord he will hardly depart from it when he grows up.

53. So, if by chance you depart from your physical family for the sake of the Lord, and join yourself to another spiritual family, as it should be, note, it should not be in disregard to your physical family – the foundation of your new found spiritual family.

54. Therefore, in any family you found yourself – physical or spiritual family, should be a place of your meeting or gathering together in the name(Spirit) of God, period! Note: this family of yours should not give rise into Christian Religion “Churches” of today.

55. It is noteworthy that from the beginning, God has desired that respective families of man to develop into His Church, as it should be; but due to the impending corruption in the world God made it as a matter of spiritual selection of people with His Spirit that would constitute His Church irrespective of families and religions.

Structural Organization of the early Apostles and Disciples of Jesus Christ

1. The scripture according to some of the apostles of Christ Jesus made mention of Churches with some designated elders and officers in the likes of deacons and bishops as a structure of leadership in worship of God through Jesus Christ written in 1Tim 3.1-13.

2. This was done in anticipation of the growing number of the families of God as a matter of structural organization in the management of the affairs of God.

3. It was done not to re-establish the 1st Covenant of worship; and not to lay a foundation for todays Christian Religion way of worship in their “Churches” which is a total aberration to the vision of Church had by the early apostles and disciples of Christ Jesus.

4. In the activities of the early Apostles and Disciples of Christ Jesus it was obvious they were growing by the day in number, but most importantly in spiritual strength with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

5. Recall that after the resurrection of the Lord from death, he appeared to them during forty days and ascended to heaven; about this time, they were about a hundred and twenty in number as brethren of the Lord as stated in Acts 1.15.

6. This number increased in thousands of both fake and real disciples, more especially of the Jewish Origin –  Acts 2.41; Acts 4.4.

7. By this time the early Apostles and Disciples of Jesus Christ were in their infancy as to an established method of worship to fit into the worship of God in spirit and truth – their wellbeing. Their lifestyle in the worship of God through Christ Jesus was called the Way, as affirmed by Paul in Acts 22.4.

8. The Way was used to typify the found new way of life to salvation by the early apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ in opposition to the way of life of the Jews in the Old Covenant, who were their arch- persecutors.

9. Do not forget that the Way was an evolving one yet to be established.

10. As the number of people in the Way was fast increasing they deemed it necessary to organize it to avoid getting out of hand due to human frailty. Cities far and around them were embracing the Way by the evangelism of the apostles and disciples of the Lord with mighty miracles, signs and wonders in conviction – Acts 2.43.

11. The number of people in the Way was unavoidably increasing in towns and cities that needed urgent structural organization by the apostles –Acts 2.41; Acts 4.4.

12. In a bid to achieve this, the apostles decided to appoint old and young men and women of equal standing in the faith of Christ Jesus to manage the then activities of people of the Lord. This gave rise to the appointment of elders and other offices of equal ranking in towns and cities that they had new converts.

13. By this setting they were attending the temples or synagogues of the Jews, but breaking bread in their homes, and shared everything in common – Acts 2.42-47; Acts 4.32 as the life of the Way was still emerging.

14. As they shared all they had among one another to sustain their livelihood in contest against living by tithes. In re-assurance of living by free will contribution a Levite, named Joseph sold his field and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet – Acts 4.36,37.

15. And Ananias and his wife, Sapphira wanted to follow suit but cheated along the line and died out of it – a confirmation that the process of living by tithe was no longer obtainable in the dispensation of the Way: this was how they were all living – by free will contribution – Acts 5.1-11.

16. And they called themselves the Church – Acts 5.11

17. But the understanding of what the early apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ had of the Church was quite different from Christian Religion “Churches” of today.

18. They called themselves the Church – the new followers of Jesus Christ in defiance to the Jews congregation of their time; but they were attending the temples or synagogues of the Jews to win more converts to Jesus Christ, and not to associate with them – Acts 13.5.

19. These new followers of Jesus Christ called themselves the Church to detach themselves from the Jews and the rest of the people opposed to the Way, but it was only in Antioch for the first time the Church was called Christians – Acts 11.26.

20. The name Christians was a label to ridicule the Church as ardent followers of Christ Jesus; but instead of rejecting the name, the Church adopted it; and it stuck forever. Remember the Church was all round the clock being persecuted by people opposed to the Way, more especially the Jews.

21. The Church was known not by structural leadership of the appointed elders, but by the gospel, miracles, signs and wonders performed by those who had the grace of such gifts of the Holy Spirit: a good example of this was Steven amongst others.

22. The incident that led to the appointment of Steven was an excellent illustration of the organization of the Church to address the human factor in the then household of God as written in Acts 6.1-15.

23. The appointment of the elders by the Church, be it bishops, deacons or any other office was purely for administrative purposes regardless of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but the faith of such persons must be resounding and lifestyle without blemish – 1Tim 3.1-13.

24. The appointment was not to take over the Church as their personal property, or to take off and establish their own for mammon and leadership greed as is the activity of Christian Religion of today.

25. It is clear that they had their own human created problems in the then Church, namely divisions.

26. Like I said earlier the then Church had fake and real members, and their activities were known by the apostles. The apostles on this account rose to the challenges to address the ugly situation mainly the divisions, as written in 1 Cor chapters 1, 2 and 3.

27. But it wasn’t the internal skirmishes that rocked the boat of the Church, rather it was the brutal persecutions that shattered the Church to oblivion as to date. The emerging Church wasn’t allowed to grow, and was sent to her early “death” by severe persecutions; maybe there is a divine purpose in it.

28. They divine purpose could have been to sieve the chaff from the wheat, such that the true worshippers would do so in spirit and truth instead of erecting a kind of worship similar to the Old Covenant: what was lost physically was gained spiritually.

29. On the grave of the “dead” Church rose a fierce and belligerent beast called Christian Religion which is a blessing in disguise. How do you mean?

30. The history of the founding of Christian Religion to what it is today is an indication that the platform gave rise to collection of the scriptures into the Bible – the greatest gift to modern generation.

31. In as much as the Bible came to public domain through brutal force, it at least gave free access to the knowledge and understanding of God, more especially for those predestined from creation to be saved through obedience to the word of God through Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit in Spirit and truth: the divine purpose in it.

32. May be, if not for Christian Religion I couldn’t have known what the Bible is. May be my conscience couldn’t have been sound enough to perceive God through Christ Jesus. So, through what is apostate, I have come to the knowledge and understanding of God and be saved by Christ Jesus.

33. Christian Religion, what a blessing in disguise for those predestined for salvation, and a curse for those who are to perish: the scriptural parable of the weeds – Matt 13.24-30; Matt13.26-43.  

34. Christian Religion is never an extension of the works of Jesus Christ and his apostles and faithful disciples of the past.  To my surprise some Christian Religion denominations have vehemently claimed to be offshoots of the Apostles physically and spiritual, but denial the power therefore in their works. 

35. Their claims are nothing to me, in as much as it provided me with the opportunity of reaching out to the Bible.

36. Consequently the expected physical structure of the true Church of God by the then apostles and the faithful disciples of the Lord was transformed by the Lord to confirm to the worship of God in spirit and truth; though it was for all, but few discovered. Recall that the Lord made mention of the broad and narrow ways: many are to the easy but killing broad way, while few are to the hard but saving narrow way.

37. So if you are looking to find the physical structure of worship in this dispensation, please you are wasting your precious time, strength and resources.

38. The settings in today’s Christian Religion are a spiritual hoax. But it should be, because if you don’t see the fake how you would be able to affirm the real: real and fake are comparative factors, and exist side by side until the day of the Lord.

39. In this course of life in the present setting, please take advantage of what is available to gain what is spiritually desirable for the salvation of your dear soul.

40. I wish everyone could be as I am, though everyone has his own grace and calling; but in all make sure your fellowship with God and Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit is in spirit and truth.

Real and Fake Gospel, Miracles, Signs and Wonders in the Worship of God today

1. Please how do we know the real and fake gospel, miracles, signs and wonders in the worship of God in the present settings?

2. if you have a proper understanding of the true worship of God, you will be able to decipher the real from the fake in relation to the gospel, miracles, signs and wonders in Christian Religion.

3. In Mark 16.17, the Lord said:

“And these signs will accompany those who believe in my name: they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

4. Is it not an allegory to what is happening today?

5. But, how many are real or fake? Wow!

6. The scripture says that by their fruits we shall know them.

7. So, what are the fruits of real and fake, to enable us make the right choice of life to salvation?

8. Let’s check out the fake first to enable us get the real.

9. In every activity someone is behind it; so who is behind the fake spiritual activity of man?

10. The manifestation of the physical is from the spiritual; the fake is acting physically by the action of some spiritual elements dwelling in the spiritual realm, as stated in Rev 19.20:

“And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had worked the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped its image; the two thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with Sulphur.”

11. These two demons were working in concert with the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the Devil and Satan – Rev 20.2,10.

12. Let we reveal their identities the more as written in 2Cor 11.13-15:

“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So, it is not strange if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”

13. So it is obvious that the activities of these fake workers of fake miracles, signs and wonders in Christian Religion is by the action of Satan the Devil and his cohorts.

14. The prevalence of the fake goings-on hoodwinks even the elects such that if the days were not cut short no one would be saved as reaffirmed by the Lord in Matt 24.22:

“And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those will be shortened.”

15. This is to tell you the magnitude of deception in miracles, signs and wonders in Christian Religion that made Christ to say again in Matt 24.24:

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elects.”

16. It is now clear that Satan empowers his children to perform miracles, signs and wonders similar to those of the Children of Christ Jesus. What a big confusion and deceit. This is comparable to the power of miracles, signs, and wonders God wrought through Moses against the ones performed by the magicians of Pharaoh. So is no lie that Satan has been performing signs and wonders by the hands of his people; therefore, what is the difference between that of the Lord Jesus Christ and Satan?

17. The scripture says that by their fruits we shall know them. The fruits of men are the characters of men and their manifestations during and after them.

18. So what are the fruits of the children of Satan that perform miracles, signs and wonders akin to the prophets of God? What are the lifestyles of the ministers of Satan in the guise of the light and the sustainability of their miracles, signs and wonders?

19. The Lord says in Matt 24.24:

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elects.”

20. How do we identify these disguised evil men to flee from their seductive activities that are leading so many people to hell fire?

21. From historical and scriptural accounts of the fruits of Pharaoh and his magicians and other cohorts put forward the fruits of the present evil men in the clothing of light carrying out miracles, signs and wonders. As it was, there are living in fleeting pleasures of sins, using the fictitious miracles, signs and wonders as a cover up – and boast that it is the manifestation of righteousness.

22. These wolves in sheep clothing are described in Jude 16:

“These are grumblers, mal-contents, following their own passions, loud-mouthed boasters, flattering people to gain advantage.”

23. This is the same as written in 2Peter 2.14:

“They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!”

24. These wolves in sheep clothing are the ones who make prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ, as stated in Col 2.8

25. These wolves in sheep clothing are the ones disqualifying you, insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels, taking his stand on visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God, as written in Col 2.18,19.

26. These wolves in sheep clothing are the ones collecting from you tithes in the name of Jesus Christ!

27. They are the false prophets, teachers and men of God in Christian Religion!!

28. What a great delusion!

29. Everyone is being confused and led away believing them, since they possess seeming weapons of righteous warfare……. but by their fruits we have known them.

30. It is no doubt God is still performing miracles, signs and wonders by the hands His people through Christ Jesus in the past, present and forever, like the Lord said in Mark 16.17:

“And these signs will accompany those who believe in my name: they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

31. Truly speaking we have genuine men of God. Yes of course! God is still manifesting Himself through His servants in the name of His son, Christ Jesus; and by their fruits we shall know them.

32. In contrast to these wolves in sheep clothing, the real men of God live in faithfulness and humbleness to God and man through Christ Jesus. They have forgiving, giving, loving, merciful hearts and expect nothing in return but the obedience to the Word of God.

33. The true men of God are not hypocrites!

34. They hate all manners of evil, and live in holiness and righteousness by the grace and mercy of God through Christ Jesus. They are self-content; not greedy for gain; don’t live in divorce and shun it;  don’t forbid marriage; live by faith; don’t give heed or preach by deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons; don’t enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 

35. These true followers of the LORD God do not collect tithes in the name of Jesus Christ His son; they live by free-will giving and free-will partnership of people who by reason of conscience appeal to them.

36. The true people of God perform miracles, signs and wonders by the love of God and Christ Jesus thereby receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God. They are not boastful of these genuine works of the Spirit knowing full well is not by their power, rather by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

37. God’s miracles, signs and wonders are not restricted to the designated ministers of the Lord.

38. But, whosoever truly calls upon God through Christ Jesus receives the honor of God at that point in time.

 39. For so many people have truly beckoned on God through Christ Jesus without the intercession of the prophet of God over afflictions, sins, death……etc., and God instantly delivered them, this is evident in Psalm 107.1-43.

40. God being impartial and merciful has delivered people who hate Him and His son, Christ Jesus; the scripture says that God makes “rain” to fall on the rooftops of both sinners and righteous.

41. God’s deliverances through His Spirit and Son is for all and sundry irrespective of sin and righteousness, but naturally more blessings to one closer to Him than one farther from Him.

42. And anyone who truly does His will in Spirit and truth will definitely gain eternal life through Christ Jesus.  

43. In conclusion, the scripture has enjoined us to shine our eyes as stated in 1John 4.1:

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

The Greatest Miracles, Signs and Wonders by God!

44. What are the greatest miracles, signs and wonders by God through Christ Jesus to man?

45. It is no doubt many miracles, signs and wonders have been wrought through man by God; and some are being performed by Satan also through man.

46. Miracles, signs and wonders have become the manifestations indicative of the children of God and that of Satan; what a big confusion. The signs supposedly accompanying the true worshippers of God in Spirit and truth are also following the children of Satan. And large performances of these are carried out in Christian Religion, today.

47. Miracles, signs and wonders are baits by Christian Religion holding many in captivity. It has become the emblem of Christian Religion acts of righteousness and holiness leading a lot to hell fire in deceit. This is such that the public writes you off if your “Church” is not performing miracles, signs and wonders as a true “Church” of God: any “Church” that is performing miracles, signs and wonders is regarded by all and sundry as an inactive “Church” of God. What a colossal delusion!

48. To my greatest surprise, testimonies in Christian Religion are all about miracles, signs and wonders: healings, severance deliverances, open doors, breakthroughs, marriages and bearing children, etc.

49. All Christian Religion telecasts today are anchored on miracles, signs and wonders, of which nearly all of them are fake; the manipulations of the evil one – Satan, who has disguised himself as the angel light.

50. Christian Religion, toady, is swift in forgetting that miracles, signs and wonders are the foremost essence of the gospel of Christ Jesus; it is not the main focus of the word of God; is not the core reason why God created man; is not the primary objective of Christ coming in the flesh. NO! It is not!  

51. Christian Religion does not know that a conductor or performer of miracles, signs and wonders can equally go to hell fire after his or her performances. YES! Christian Religion believes that anyone who conducts miracles, signs and wonders is righteous and has an express way to heaven. NO!

52. A sign to true disciples of the Lord is never a guarantee to salvation; is just a mere sign, an ordinary sign of true stewardship of the Lord, which could lead you astray if you are not careful with it. This is because the scripture warns you to watch it lest you fall thinking that you have stood strong in the Lord. And, you should remember that the scripture equally says that salvation is gained not by the works of righteousness or by works of the law; salvation is by the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

53. Therefore, miracles, signs and wonders are likened to the works of righteousness and works of the law; they are of no avail to salvation.  Remember the scripture reaffirms always that all these things  – miracles, signs and wonders, even faith and hope shall all come to an end.

54. Miracles, signs and wonders of God are indications of the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God to man; and may not necessarily be an assurance of salvation to the conductors.

55. So, don’t be fooled you conductors of miracles, signs and wonders that you are automatically saved by the Lord, much less when Satan is behind it.

56. So, what is the greatest miracles, signs and wonders of God through Christ Jesus to man?

57. The Lord told the Jews who were always demanding from him signs; and he said to them that the only sign given to man is the sign of Jonah.

57. What is the sign of Jonah?

58. The sign of Jonah was the greatest miracle, signs and wonders by God through Christ Jesus to man!

59. Thus said the Lord in Lk 11.29,20:

“This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah became a sign to men of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be to this generation.”

60. As written in Jonah 1.17:

“And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.”

61.” And behold, something greater than Jonah is here”, said the Lord: the Lord was crucified and buried, and on the third day, he rose from death. This singular act is the epicenter of the salvation of all mankind.

62. Therefore, the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus is the greatest miracle, signs and wonders by God through the Holy Spirit to mankind. If the Son of man had not died and resurrected there  couldn’t have been salvation for mankind, God’s main heart desire from creation.

63. Remember in the beginning God created man to acquire perfection and live forever – salvation, but the fall of man shattered the whole God’s game plan for man. God in His mercy still brought about the salvation through the death and resurrection of His only Son, Christ Jesus.

64. Consequently, the miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., in the life of man are indications of the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God to man and wouldn’t necessarily save you.

65. Salvation is only gained through true repentance in Christ Jesus by the grace of God.

66. As a result true repentance is the greatest miracle, signs and wonders in the life of man by the grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

67. Undoubtedly, true repentance in Christ Jesus by the grace of God is life to eternal life, and dead to eternal life in Christ Jesus by the grace of God! This is the reason why the Lord said in John 11.25:

“I am the resurrection and life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.”

68. This the most remarkable statement of the Lord in the course of his life on earth to dispel the believe in the miracle that saw the coming back to life the dead and buried Lazarus, as the greatest miracle, and reaffirm that salvation gained true repentance in faith in Christ Jesus as the greatest miracle, signs and wonders to man.

69. The Lord made it very clear that miracle, signs and wonders as to healing, casting outing of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs and the like, should not take preeminence over true repentance in faith in Christ Jesus by the grace of God, because this is the only act that would lead man, to salvation and not otherwise: the reason why man is created in the first place.

70. But, today in Christian Religion, miracle, signs and wonders as to healing, casting outing of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs and the like have become the preoccupation. The testimonies of such are flaunted everywhere: on televisions, social media, in their “Churches” ……. etc.

71. The prevalence of such testimonies has dimmed the essence of salvation through true repentance in faith in Christ Jesus which supposedly could have been the main testimony. No one cares about true repentance in as much as you receive miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc.

72. Miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., have become a combat among Christian Religion “Churches” killing the very reason the Lord died and resurrected.

73. All Christian Religion “Churches” have totally put away the testimony of true repentance, the real testimony. People have come forward in various Christian Religion “Churches” to give testimonies of miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., sinners carried off to hell; and everyone applauds in cognizance.

74. This is why the Lord denied them as stated in Matt 7.22, 23:

“On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.”

75. Why are you flaunting your piety? You are quick to conduct miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., to be praised by men as a true man of God?

76. Don’t you know as many as have received your miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., could equally go to hell fire? This is why the Lord also said, that it would be better to go to heaven disfigured than go to hell fire whole!

77. This is because one, who is healed or delivered of any afflictions, could equally go to hell fire. But whoever truly repents in faith in Christ Jesus by the grace of God will surely make heaven, the essence of the creation of man and the coming of the Lord in the flesh leading to his death and resurrection.

78. Please, Christian Religion “Churches” stop flaunting your miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., they are like to the works of righteousness and the works of the law; instead please flaunt the testimonies of true repentance in faith in Christ Jesus which would lead man to eternal life in glory.

79. For salvation is only gained through true repentance in faith in the Lord by the grace of God in the Holy Spirit.

80. The bride of the Lamb of God is the Church – the real people of God in Spirit and truth who have gained salvation through true repentance, and not those that have received your miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, casting out of demons, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc.

81. Just like in faith, hope and love abide, but love is the greatest is the testimony of true repentance over healing and severance deliverances of afflictions……. etc. Therefore, I urge you to testify about your healings, deliverances and breakthroughs, but exercise more courage to testify about your true repentance continually; for true repentance unto salvation is the essence of the death and resurrection of the Christ, who is the son of David.

82. Bear in mind that all miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, severance deliverances, breakthroughs……. etc., shall cease, but true repentance being the foundation of salvation will lead to eternal life.

Delusions in the Present Worship

1. There are a lot of deceits in worships today: from misunderstanding what worship is, to misinterpretations of the scripture, to lifestyles of the so-called men of God and their members, to a whole lot of things. What a pandemonium! Against this backdrop the Lord says in Matt 24.22:

“And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”

2. This is to tell you how serious the present situation of worship is. Some delusive practices in today’s worship among false prophets, fake miracles, signs and wonders are:

1. Prayer

3. Prayer is a way of communication between man and God: you talk to God, and God responds!

4. Remember God is spirit; whosoever wants to pray to God must do so in spirit, to enable God to respond. Man is also spirit and flesh and can equally communicate in spirit to God.

5. God is already in you, and not outside you; since God is in you He knows already whatever you want to pray for or what your communication is like beforehand. This why Jesus Christ noted in Matt 6.8,9:

“Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

6. You may now ask why God wants you to pray to Him when He already knows all you needed before you ask Him? The answer is not far-fetched: God wants you to communicate and your ability to do so in spirit.

7. Your ability to communicate to God in spirit is the prayer, and that’s God major concern about His relationship with you.

8. So how do you achieve this?

9. No man really knows how to pray as he ought to; and this is where the Holy Spirit comes in.

10. Because, no man in fact knows how to communicate to God in spirit as should be, made the Lord to give man a prophetic poem called the Lord’s Prayer: this is a model prayer of ultimate infinitude.

11. Before the Lord gave us this prophetic prayer he made a structural adjustment to what prayer used to be, which oftentimes does not draw the attention of God to our prayers.

12. Remember we are no longer in physical worship of the 1st Covenant, wherein most practices were by outward displays. In contrast, we are in spiritual worship of the New Covenant, wherein most activities must be the inner man.

13. To be the inner man in prayer, Christ Jesus compels us to confidentiality in prayer, and to this he says in Matt 6.5,6:

“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

14. The Lord made the most remarkable hint in prayer: few words! And he says thus in Matt 6.7:

“And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words.”

15. In another command to few words in prayer as noted in Eccl 5.2:

“Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven, and you upon earth; therefore, let your words be few.”

16. The above are few commandments in prayer, which are in stark contrast to the events that are happening today, more especially in Christian Religion: some even go wild and become hysterical. These strange acts to out-perform one another in prayer led to formation of frenzied groups called prayer warriors! The so-called prayers warriors can physical shout and kick down Kilimanjaro mountain for hours in the name of prayer. The most shameful attitude to the strange prayer is the spontaneous fake speaking in tongues, that makes them look demoniac. From every mouth are foul speeches, no man or spirit can interpret. Please what is this craze all about?

17. Well, what is it like praying to the attention of God? The Lord has said it all.

18. To view what the Lord said about prayer from a different angle, the approach has to start from meditation, quiet praises and songs, and few words with a clear conscience: a heart without grudges and malice, but full of love, mercy, forgiveness. And this not time bound!

19. The prayer in the heart is a prayer in the spirit with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, wherein your heart is pure to attract the Holy Spirit of God in assistance. Such supplication should quietly be going on in your heart without the notice of anyone: this should be irrespective of time and space.

20. Remember it is in the same heart Satan attacks you. So, with the presence of the Holy Spirit of God in your heart the evil one will flee away and wouldn’t have an opportunity to attack. As often as this attitude of praying goes continually in your heart, you out-pace the evil one in your heart and sphere.

21. In this state spiritual, when you call once God answers many times.

22. So, what is meditation as the prelude to faithful prayers?

23. Scriptural meditations are different from worldly meditations!

24. But literally speaking they all involve what you love thinking about – true meditation.

25. True meditations involve what you love thinking about most times. You may be sometimes carried away in thought of that that you become unaware of your physical presence. You need not be in any particular position or space to meditate; is just natural, if you truly love your thought.

26. True meditations are the lovely deep thought linking your body and soul to your spirit with what you are yearning for irrespective of time, space and state. In this state of lost thought, your yearnings begin to manifest.

27. True meditations are similar to dreams and visions, but with differences.

28. Dream is when you are asleep but “awake”. And, vision is when you are awake but “dreaming”. In both situations – dream and vision, you are dutifully involved, but beyond your will-power.

29. In meditations you are dutifully involved, and within your will-power: you can decide to meditate or not. But in dream and vision you cannot decide the both; they are beyond you.

30. In true meditations, the power rests in the excellent knowledge of the subject matter which provokes the love of the thought. Having the knowledge is the key, but not the full understanding is the drive: in a bid to have the full understanding of the knowledge of the subject matter, you take off.

31. Therefore, meditations as a prelude to prayers involve your knowledge of God, but not the full understanding of your prayer request, because sometimes you don’t know what you are really asking for and its consequences. So, your knowledge of God is the key. Your knowledge of God must not be excellent to meditation. A little knowledge of God could lead you to the fear of God.  

32. The best knowledge of God is through studying the scriptures in a bid to understanding God, if you are able to read and acting upon it.

33. But if you are unable to read as may be, sometimes, you can use your heart. Remember all what we need to understand God is already in our hearts, put by God Himself. To unravel the puzzle of what you do not know, but really want to know kick states your meditation.

34. Lack of meditation leads to fear; and fear is man’s greatest enemy.

35. But the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; the fear that is man’s greatest enemy is inspired by the evil one – Satan, and not by God. Fear naturally comes to man in enmity with God, but friendship with God dispels fear.

36. The fear of God translates to the obedience to the word of God; in the fear of God you become naturally conscious of God’s consequences: the danger in disobedience to the word of God.

37. Undoubtedly, guilty conscience is always afraid; guilt is the result of a conscience that disobeys God or the Spirit of truth. But, by penitence a guilty conscience is forgiven, and his fears are driven away by God.

38. The consciousness of God is the offshoot of the meditation on the word of God, and this comes to manifestation during obedience of the Word of God.

39. And the consciousness of God breeds naturally frequent communications with God which leads to continual prayers. In this state, God listens to you; and when God listens to your prayers, you are increasingly drawn nearer to Him and the rest becomes salvation.                                                                        

2. Preaching, Teaching, and Sharing the Gospel

40. Preaching, teaching and sharing the good news are among the delusions in worships in religions of man, more especially in Christian Religion, today.

41. Preaching, teaching and sharing the gospel of the Lord or the word of God are mandates of the true worshippers of God through Christ Jesus in Spirit and truth. By this implication, the true people of God are really sent by God to dispense the good news of salvation to all mankind. This is verified in Rm 10.15:

“And how can men preach unless they are sent? And how beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!”

42. Therefore, the true preachers of good news of salvation must be sent by God before they do so. They must be commissioned by the Lord to carry out that function, wherein the Holy Spirit does the preaching through them. They speak and talk by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

43. This means that preaching, teaching or sharing the word of God is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God through Christ Jesus to men called and chosen by God to do so

44. But today, everyone, more especially in Christian Religion is going about preaching the gospel, whether they are sent by God or not; in as much as you can read and talk the Bible, you can go on and preach; you have become a man of God thereof. Why? What a delusion?

45. In James 3.1, the scripture warned that:

“Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness.”

46. Note the phrase, ‘shall be judged with greater strictness’; this means that anyone who is not sent by God to preach or teach the gospel and goes ahead to do so is in serious trouble. Invariably, such a preacher or teacher is not doing so by the power of the Holy Spirit, but rather by himself; he or she is in serious danger.

47. But, how many are sent by God to preach or teach the gospel?

48. Who are they that are sent by God to preach or teach the gospel?

49. Because,

 “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete for every good work”, as noted in 2Tim 3.16,17.

50. In 1Cor 2.13, the same is stated,

 “And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.”

51. Please, not in the above verses, the involvement of the Spirit of God in all teaching or preaching or interpretation, without which you are on your own.

52. You must possess the Spirit of God for you to preach or teach or interpret the word of God, called the Scripture, for effective manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit.

53. So, how many of the so-called preachers, teachers and interpreters of the gospel possess the Spirit of God?

54. The Spirit of God is only sent by God Himself!

55. The Holy Spirit of God can never be acquired through academic learning, training or bought with money or by force of any means. NO! It is a free gift of God through Christ Jesus.

56. Recall the case of a man called Simon with Peter when Simon wanted to buy the Holy Spirit, and Peter replied him saying:

“Your silver perishes with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money.” Acts 8.20

57. This scenario is prevalent today, more especially among Christian Religion. Some have gone to juju to seek the power of God to perform miracles, signs and wonders.

58. Like I mentioned earlier the greatest God’s miracle, signs and wonders is true repentance unto salvation in Christ Jesus by the grace of God in the Holy Spirit, and not miracles, signs and wonders as to healing, deliverance, casting out of demons………etc. This is same with teaching or preaching the word of God, not for material gain but for salvation.

59. For those who are called and chosen by God to teach or preach the good news are doing so by the power of the Holy Spirit which leads man to salvation through true repentance in Christ Jesus, because they are commissioned by God to do so.

60. If you are commissioned by God to teach, preach or share the scripture, the Holy Spirit of God is doing so through you; you are no longer doing so on your own. All what you are doing is by the power of the Holy Spirit, because at that very moment the Holy Spirit gives you utterances.

61. A lot of false teachers and preachers have gone out branding themselves as rabbis, because they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues, and salutations in the market places, and being called rabbi by men as noted by Lord, and he spoke against it saying:

“But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren.” Matt 23.6-8

62. Our rabbi, teacher or preacher is Christ Jesus – the High Priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the sanctuary and the true tent which is set up not by man but by the Lord: Heb 8.1,2.

63. In the true sense of it, you are all brethren as noted by the Lord, therefore as brethren you ought not to teach or preach to one another saying know the Lord, for you all shall know the Lord as written in the New Covenant – the basis of true fellowship.

64. The basis of true fellowship is the sharing the word of God among brethren and not teaching, because your teaching is to your subjects who you lord over.

65. The primary purpose of teaching or preaching in the Holy Spirit is to win faiths to the Lord, after which you share the Word among them as true believers and doers of the word, because they have become brethren with you in the Lord; you need not lord it over them again as to teaching or be seen as a teacher like unbelievers.

65. As I explained above, this is the concept and understanding and doing of the New Covenant:

“But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD; I will put my law within them, and I will write upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jer 31.33,34

66. This is the New Covenant the foundation of true fellowship unto salvation by the brethren of the Lord – the true Church of God, the body of Christ, that was, and is and is to come.

67. Please do not forget that the word of God is basically for two types of people – unbelievers and believers; sinners and righteous; doers of the word and not doers of the word. The word of God is basically, for two types of people, so speak and do in like manner.

68. When you speak to unbelievers you speak in parables and perform your miracles, signs and wonders; but when you speak to the brethren you speak in plain language, faithfulness and humility because the brethren have already known you and the Lord. You cannot be a fugitive in your own house, which is the house of the Lord.

69. This is the true worship of God in Christ Jesus; may the Lord be with your spirit. Grace to you all!

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