The Prophecy of the Old
and the New Prophecy
The Word and the Spirit of God
A message from Uju a servant of Christ Jesus by the grace of God through Christ Jesus, according to the word in the scripture,
2. To the WORLD; glory and honor be unto LORD God Almighty and Christ Jesus our Lord savior forever and ever. Amen.
3. According to Amos 7.14-15:
“Then Amos answered Amaziah, I am no prophet, nor a prophet’s son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, and the LORD took me from following the flock, and the LORD said to me, “Go prophesy to my people Israel.”
4. So am I, Uju, a worker of art by trade; the word of God, the Spirit of God, in the name of Christ Jesus appeared to me in a flame of fire from the scripture; and I immediately prophesied saying, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” to people of the world.
5. I am no pastor, evangelist, prophet nor an apostle, but by the grace and mercy of God the father of Christ Jesus, I am writing this message to the WORLD according to the scripture.
What is prophecy? Prophecy is the word or Spirit of God passed mainly through his anointed servants or messengers or ministers sometimes referred to as prophets for the salvation of mankind on earth.
1. But the greatest anointed prophet of God is his Son, Christ Jesus. He is the fulfilment of the prophecy of God whose ultimate word is salvation. For Christ Jesus was sent by God his Father for the divine purpose of salvation, the will of his Father in him to the world.
2. And this prophecy or Spirit of God is called the gospel of Christ Jesus, for the Lord says that the word I speak to you is spirit and life, meaning is for salvation.
3. According to Heb.1:1-2, the scriptures says,
“In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.”
4. It is evident by the above stated that God spoke or prophesied in the time past to the ancestors by the prophets which all pointed to the Messiah for the salvation of their souls. Invariably, all the prophecies of old were about the Savior – the anchor of worship of God.
5. Consequently, the fulfilment of the prophecy of old is Christ Jesus, which would be grasped by faith. For all that understood the old prophecy did so by faith even up till now, until faith ceases.
6. Faith came before the law and the old covenant. This is made manifest in Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, well before Moses.
7. Thus, Christ the revelation of faith has been from the beginning with the Father, God, being the Word of God as written in John1:1,
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
8. The Word is Christ, and the word is the Spirit of God. And both are God, the Divinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
9. Now the fulfillment of the prophecy of old is Christ Jesus; that is, the word of God is fulfilled in the Son, which ultimately makes him the prophecy of the new, for the scripture indicates that in these last days, implying today, God is speaking or prophesying to the world by his Son, Christ Jesus.
10. Therefore, what the Lord says, that is the gospel, is the word or Spirit of God and evidently supersedes the prophecy of old. Thus, any prophecy of old mentioned by Christ Jesus was meticulously done for salvation; any reference of the old prophecy by the Lord was in fulfillment of the gospel or the word or the Spirit of God unto salvation. The same is applicable to the prophecy or word of the Lord through the Apostles and true disciples of the Lord.
11. Consequently, from Matthew to Revelation and other mentioned scriptures thereof is the prophecy or word or Spirit or gospel of Christ Jesus unto salvation.
12. Therefore, in the present dispensation as always, prophecy is not necessarily foretelling of future events. No! Rather, prophecy or the word or Spirit or gospel of Christ Jesus is for salvation: the ministry of reconciliation no longer based on the old covenant but based on the new covenant, whose mediator is Christ Jesus.
What is the New Prophecy?
13. The new prophecy is Jesus Christ, period!
14. It is the dispensation of life as against the dispensation of death, the old prophecy. The old prophecy was anchored on the law, upon which the old covenant was enacted, that could not lead the people of old to salvation, and therefore was set aside for the new prophecy anchored on the new covenant which brought salvation through the gospel of Christ Jesus as the Messiah.
15. Therefore, for all who prophesy in foretelling a future event devoid of salvation are false prophets. For the prophecy of Christ is necessarily for salvation; any other thing is from the Devil.
16. Of all who prophesy of political, economic, and social events of the future devoid of salvation are false prophets; they are guess workers, and the Lord never sent them or spoke by them. No! They are hypocrites!!
17. Note: all your prophecy in the Lord MUST lead man to salvation; anything short of it is from Satan – a destructive deceit.
18. As of the day, a lot of false prophets have gone out to interpret current events as a manifestation of the prophecy of God; pure liars from the Devil. They erroneously believe by searching the scripture as their evil ancestors – Pharisees and scribes did, they are able to its spiritual interpretation. Hypocrites! They do not even possess the Holy Spirit of God, who is the sole interpreter of the scripture being the Spirit of truth.
19. For the interpretation of the scripture is solely by the revelation of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus.
False Prophecy!
20. Today, mainly in Christian religion, home of false prophets – fake ministers of the Lord have gone out to prophesy, when the Lord did not send them. By the activities of these evil men and women purporting to be the mouthpiece of Lord are deceiving themselves and their captives and the general public with fake prophecies in the name of the Lord. What a grievous sin!
21. These fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., at the end of every year, season, and timeline up events of the future as prophecies from God to them, as though they are God themselves having the self-determination when things shall take place.
22. These evil men and women of Christian religion now play both God, Christ and the Holy Spirit all at the same time. WOE TO YOU!
23. At the end of every year, season, and time, from the futility of their minds, these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., come up with endless activities of future events, foretelling the upcoming from vain visions puffed up by empty religious titles to prophesy saying, “thus says the Lord,” when it is them that are saying from their polluted spirits.
24. At the end of every year, season, and time from the vainness of their sensuous thoughts, these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., command God as their servant to arduously give them prophecy, and so shall God comply? Fools! WOE TO YOU!
25. These fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., have now become the Holy Spirit that searches the depths of God and manifests it. WOE TO YOU!
26. These fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., now prophesy politically, economically, and socially at will, claiming it is from God to gain public validation. Hypocrites! WOE TO YOU!!
27. These fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., Babylon the great, court with Caesars, kings, and queens of mammon, deceitfully prophesying to them that their future is bright, while their future is full of miseries and sorrows. Blind guides! Flattering men to secure an undue advantage with fake and destructive prophecies. WOE TO YOU!
28. The content of these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., is as detailed by the Lord in Matt.23:1- 39. Hypocrites! WOE TO YOU!
29. The same is said of these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., in Col.2:8-23, by Apostle Paul. WOE TO YOU!
30. Flee, flee, and flee from these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., Babylon the great – has fallen! WOE TO YOU!!
31. They call themselves born-again; brothers and sisters; GOs, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, preachers, teachers, reverends………etc.; wolves in sheep clothing; prosperity preachers, tithe collectors and givers; miracles, signs and wonders workers; breakthrough preachers; church founders and owners; living in fleeting pleasures of sins; dining and flirting with Caesars and kings and queens of the earth; flying private jets and driving luxury cars and living in magnificent homes and wearing superstars’ apparels all from mammon.
32. They are no longer regarded as holy men, but rather as celebrities, mega-stars of the day, boastful social media religious chameleons; handing batons of leadership to their immediate families with a clandestine succession game plan in a bid to retain the ill-gotten wealth and stardom in the family.
33. Tell me, why didn’t Moses hand the mantle of leadership to his sons, but Joshua? Tell me, why didn’t the sons of Eli inherit the priesthood from their father, Eli, but Samuel? Tell me, why didn’t the family of King Saul take over the kingship, but David? And tell me, why didn’t the Apostles come from the earthly family of the Lord?
34. Please could you tell me, therefore, why the Apostles didn’t transfer apostolic leadership to their respective and immediate families? Maybe if they had done that, these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., couldn’t have been able to sinfully establish and own synagogues of Satan, called churches, today, for such leadership could have been depleted before getting to them.
35. In as much as salvation is rooted in the family, succession as to leadership is not necessarily from the same family. The Lord’s anointing is from the heart of men; for the Lord looks at the heart and makes his anointing. Therefore, note: leadership is not salvation. Leadership is a responsibility that might make or destroy you. Leadership, the scripture stated, comes with greater strictness and severity of judgment from the Lord. So, you have to be very careful when you clamor for leadership and device and implement self-succession plan by immediate family. Fool!
36. And WOE TO YOU! unto eternity these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc. HYPOCRITES!
37. May the grace of God through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit deliver you all from these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., Babylon the great! Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!