The Word and the Spirit of God
A message from Uju a servant of Christ Jesus by the grace of God through Christ Jesus, according to the word in the scripture,
2. To the WORLD; glory and honor be unto LORD God Almighty and Christ Jesus our Lord savior forever and ever. Amen.
3. According to Amos 7.14-15:
“Then Amos answered Amaziah, I am no prophet, nor a prophet’s son; but I am a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore trees, and the LORD took me from following the flock, and the LORD said to me, “Go prophesy to my people Israel.”
4. So am I, Uju, a worker of art by trade; the word of God, the Spirit of God, in the name of Christ Jesus appeared to me in a flame of fire from the scripture; and I immediately prophesied saying, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” to people of the world.
5. I am no pastor, evangelist, prophet nor an apostle, but by the grace and mercy of God the father of Christ Jesus, I am writing this message to the WORLD according to the scripture.
Scriptural use and meaning and understanding of some words are different from worldly knowledge of it, and subsequent interpretation.
1. We have physical word and spiritual word. As we have the physical so also, we have the spiritual; but the physical is the manifestation or attestation of the spiritual. The spiritual first, and then the physical.
2. We have the physical knowledge, and we have the spiritual knowledge. The physical knowledge is taught by human wisdom, and the spiritual knowledge is taught by the Holy Spirit of God as written in 1Cor.2:13,
“And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.”
3. The word “repentance,” meaning to repent, is used so many times in the scripture with physical and spiritual understanding or connotation. The scriptural physical understanding of repentance or to repent suggests a change of mind, intent, or refraining from a proposed thought or action.
4. In this circumstance, God could repent, and man can equally repent; that is turning away from their planned line of action regardless of sin. Remember, God is without sin, and repentance attributed to him implies a change of mind from his thought; it can equally mean God sticking to his word, signifying that God will not repent or change his mind from his divine intent.
5. From the scripture, in the physical sense of repentance, man can appeal to God to repent or change his mind from his divine intent. Moses did it to God on behalf of the Israelites in the wilderness. You can equally beg God to repent of his divine intent to execute an action, and he will listen to you, for God is very merciful and hears our prayers, refraining from his anger towards us.
6. In the same vein, man can equally change his mind or repent of a planned action, that is, have a change of mind regardless of sin. Man is born a sinner but can have a change of mind or repentance in not carrying out the intended planned action, though a sinner. Your physical repentance or change of mind to stay your action has nothing to do with your sins. You can equally stick to your planned action, that is not repenting or changing your mind from your intent.
7. All these, by scriptural understanding, are physical repentance attributable to God and man. But what is spiritual repentance?
Repentance is Spiritual
8. Sin is disobedience to the word of God. God cannot sin, for there is no darkness in God; God is full of light. Therefore, God cannot repent of sin, for God cannot sin or disobey himself. The same is said of the Son, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit: they cannot sin, being part of the Divinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
9. Apart from the Divinity, anyone can sin, that is, anyone can disobey God, be they spirit beings, angels, or man. The commandment to obedience is from the Divinity to all beings – angels and man. In this commandment to obedience is a free-will choice to obey or disobey with benefits and consequences.
10. God did not create beings as robots; he did not compel them to obedience or disobedience for God is Love, and love is God; in divine love is the freedom of choice.
11. God foreknew that disobedience to him by the beings is sin and the likelihood for them to disobey; but for the sake of divine love of God, God gave them free-will of choice, knowing that they have the ability to obey him under any situation.
12. The spirit beings, the angels, are created differently from man, the human beings who are made from the dust of the earth. The angels being spirits know to a large extent what is expected of them in obedience with the benefits and consequences.
13. But, man, the human being, does not know to the extent the angels know and therefore has a second chance to regain what is eventually lost in case of a fall. This is different with the angels, who, by their knowledge of God, do not have a second chance to regain what they lose if they fall; for their fall or disobedience is out of deliberation. By implication, angels have more power than man. The angels live in heaven with God, while man lives on earth with God, for the Spirit of God dwells in man.
14. Therefore, there is no repentance for the angels when they sin; but there is repentance for man when he sins.
15. Thus, ‘spiritual’ repentance is associated with sin, that is disobedience to the word of God, which is the Spirit of God through the Son, Jesus Christ. Repentance in relation to sin is spiritual because in sin you are disobeying the Spirit of God through the Son, Christ Jesus – the Divinity. For repentance to sin, the Divinity is involved – God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.
16. Consequently, it takes the Holy Spirit of God through the Son, Christ Jesus, to bring about repentance to sin. So, repentance to sin is a spiritual activity. Without the Holy Spirit of God through the Son, Christ Jesus, it is impossible to truly repent from sin. For the scripture says that you cannot say Jesus is the Lord without the power of the Holy Spirit, implying that you cannot do anything righteous without the Holy Spirit; in the same vein, God says that it is not by exaction or power of any man to do good, except by his Spirit.
17. Repentance to sin is a free gift of God through the Son, Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. For, man does not deserve repentance or earn repentance; that is, repentance to sin is not by the works of the law or by the works of righteousness of any man or by the power of man but by the Spirit of God through Christ Jesus; repentance to sin, therefore, is by grace, which is a free gift of God through the Son, Christ Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
18. Behind sin is a power beyond that of man to commit sin. It takes a power greater than man for man to commit sin or to disobey God. This power greater than man to disobey God is the power of darkness possessed by Satan and his cohorts, the demons. These evil spirit beings have power over man that leads man to commit sin or to disobey God. Therefore, it takes a greater power, the power of light, to overcome the power of darkness to bring about repentance to man.
19. Man is under the power of sin, that is, the power of darkness, and so, needs the power of Light, the Holy Spirit of God through Christ Jesus, to overcome the power of darkness to repentance. Therefore, to overcome sin to repentance is not in the power of man by itself, but by the power of the Holy Spirit because sin is a spiritual activity conducted by Satan and demons – evil spirits.
20. Recall that the fall of man is by the activity of the evil one, the ancient serpent, the dragon, Satan. So, it takes Satan and demons – evil spirits for man to commit sin or to disobey God; conversely, it takes the Holy Spirit of God through Christ Jesus for man to obey God through the forgiveness of sin that leads to true repentance.
21. All in all, sin and repentance to sin are all spiritual activities. Remember it is God you have solely sinned against, as stated in the scripture in Ps.51:4,
“Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, so that thou are justified in thy sentence and blameless in thy judgment.”
True Repentance
When we talk about repentance in the scripture we are mainly referring to repentance to sin.
1. Repentance to sin is the essence of man’s relationship to God since the fall of man. The fall of man, eventually brought about sin and death to all mankind. The fall of man is preceded by the disobedience of the word of God by man, which is called sin – disobedience to the word or Spirit of God.
2. And God forewarned man that disobedience to his commandment leads to death as the scripture says in Gen.2:16-17,
“You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”
3. Life and death are with God before the creation of heaven and earth, and eventually passed the understanding of it to the beings – angels and man who are subject to death should they disobey God. Only the Divinity possesses eternal life – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit have eternal life: life without death. Divinity is life themselves, without death, therefore without sin, because they cannot disobey themselves being life-giving spirits. Therefore, every other living thing that breathes is subject to death.
4. By this understanding to the beings – angels and man, they are thus expected by Divinity to obey them, wherein disobedience shall surely lead to death, for the angels without repentance; and for the man with repentance. This is in the first creation: the creation of the heavens and the earth and all the things thereof.
5. Now, there is another creation, called the second creation!
6. The first creation was by God, and through Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, the second creation is also by Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, but this time for the redemption of sin unto salvation both for the angels and man who have sinned.
7. From the fall of angels and man, not all, therefore, became the children of God in heaven and on earth. But through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit shall the children of God be named through repentance by being born anew by water and the Spirit becoming thus, a new creation – the second creation.
8. This is the understanding Jesus Christ was passing to Nicodemus, according to John 3:3; 3:5-8,
“Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
“Truly, truly, I say to, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’
The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
9. Subsequently, the second creation is the only prerequisite to eternal life.
10. For this reason, the gospel was preached to the living and the dead such that they shall come to repentance and become born anew in order to enter the kingdom of God.
11. The grace given to the dead to become children of God necessitated the preaching of the gospel to them, though dead in the flesh they might live in the spirit like God, because God through Christ Jesus will judge both the living and the dead according to the scripture in 1 Peter 4:6,
“For this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead, that though judged in the flesh like men, they might live in the spirit like God.”
12. Who were these dead? They were all that died from the beginning, from Adam to the last that died before the dead of Jesus, wherein he went and preached the gospel of salvation unto eternal life such that whoever believed in it shall live forever though dead.
13. The same gospel of salvation was preached by the Lord to angels imprisoned before the great flood in the days of Noah as written in the scripture in 1Peter3:18-20,
“For Christ also died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; in which he went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly did not obey, when God’s patience waited in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is eight persons, were saved through water.”
14. It is clear evidence that there is a second creation upon which all that have sinned in heaven and on earth get another chance to enter the kingdom of God through repentance and rebirth and new creation by water and the Spirit through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.
15. Then, there is the third and final creation by God, wherein he will create a new heaven and a new earth, and a new Jerusalem – the city of the bridegroom, Christ Jesus, and the bride, the Church, for the first heaven and the first earth will be burnt off or dissolved by a fervent heat, the details as written in Rev.21:1-27.
16. You see the divine purpose of the gospel of Christ Jesus is for true repentance unto eternal life, being the power of God unto salvation.
17. We have false repentance and true repentance, so also, we have false righteousness and true righteousness. False repentance leads to false righteousness; true repentance also leads to true righteousness.
18. False repentance and false righteousness are religious. Yes, religion is false repentance and false righteousness. And this is the religion of the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, etc., and mainly Christian religion.
19. Your righteousness must surpass theirs for you to enter the kingdom of God as stated by the Lord in Matt.5:20,
“For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
20. It is certain that this is religion. And the worst religion on earth is Christian religion – Babylon the great!
21. Religion is evil, as I always say and have given a message on it by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus by grace!
22. Religion is all forms of false repentance and false righteousness, particularly Christian religion, hypocrites!
23. Now, true repentance leads to true righteousness. And they come from the love of God; for God is love, and love is God. God has no religion and created no religion. The supposed religion of God is love.
24. Therefore, true repentance and true righteousness are the gifts of God through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit irrespective of religion. Upon true repentance and true righteousness shall you be born anew with water and the Spirit through Christ.
What is True Repentance?
25. True repentance is the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto salvation.
26. Conviction of sin is the divine ability of the Holy Spirit to bring to man the right knowledge and understanding and consequences of sin, in a bid to link the heart of man to Jesus Christ for salvation.
27. Therefore, the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus is the foundation of true repentance unto salvation!
28. Certainly, without conviction of sin, no sinner is saved! Truly, truly, a sinner must realize and accept to be one before he is saved – that is conviction of sin. Humility to God through Christ Jesus as a sinner is conviction of sin – the first attempt to be saved by the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit.
29. The acceptance of the free gift of repentance through conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto salvation is justly a true repentance.
30. Therefore, foundation of true repentance is laid once and for all wherein you have become a true sheep of the flock of the Lord, and he shall by no means forsake you; when you fall, you shall not fall headlong.
31. In true repentance the process that leads to salvation is irreversible. When you are set free by the Lord you are free in deed! Besides, the gift of God suffers no sorrow, suggesting that the gift of repentance by the Lord, no matter the tumultuous journey shall eventually lead you to salvation.
32. By implication, if you turn down or reject the conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus you cannot repent. That is if you do not realize or fail to accept that you are a sinner by the conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus, it is thus, impossible for you to truly repent. In such situation your repentance is religious – is fake!
33. This is the case of David and Judas Iscariot.
34. King David wrote Psalms 51 in penitence to his sin against God over Uriel by Beersheba; signifying a true repentance.
35. And God accepted his true repentance and blessed the union by making Solomon the next King of Israel after King David bestowing on him an immeasurable wisdom.
36. But Judas Iscariot committed suicide after the betrayal of his master, Christ Jesus, and failed to atone for his sin against God, even though the sin of the betrayal against the Lord had already been forgiven him by God. Yes!
37. If Judas Iscariot had shown penitence to God over the betrayal, he could have retained his apostleship with a great honor.
38. Nothing appeals to the Holy Spirit of God order than true repentance to him. For God does not desire the death of any sinner but wish all sinners should come to repentance unto salvation.
39. Before you sin, the very sin has already been forgiven you by God; only to atone for the very sin through showing penitence to God, whom you sinned against like King David did. And God will accept your true repentance and manifest his forgiveness bountifully. This is as to the event of the prodigal son.
Religious Repentance, a Fake Repentance!
I have always said that religion is evil; therefore, anything that proceeds from religion is evil.
1. The worst religion in creation is Christian religion! Yes!!
2. Christian religion is an offshoot of the religions of the Pharisees, Sadducees, Sanhedrin, scribes, etc., but worse than them. Why? Because of their hypocrisy!
3. Christian religion is the most hypocritical religion on earth! Yes!! Christian religion is Babylon the great!!! An apostate religion!!!!
4. The best known fake repentance is Christian religion repentance. A hypocritical repentance. For a mango tree will not bear an orange fruit; a cocoanut tree will not bear pawpaw fruit; by their fruit we shall know them, says the Lord.
5. They call themselves, born-again; brothers and sisters; GOs, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, preachers, teachers, reverends………etc.; wolves in sheep clothing; prosperity preachers, tithe collectors and givers; miracles, signs and wonders workers; breakthrough preachers; church founders and owners; living in fleeting pleasures of sins; dining and flirting with Caesars and kings and queens of the earth; flying private jets and driving luxury cars and living in magnificent homes and wearing superstars’ apparels all from mammon.
6. They are no longer regarded as holy men, but rather as celebrities, mega-stars of the day, boastful social media religious chameleons; handing batons of leadership to their immediate families with a clandestine succession game plan in a bid to retain the ill-gotten wealth and stardom in the family.
7. Tell me, why didn’t Moses hand the mantle of leadership to his sons, but Joshua? Tell me, why didn’t the sons of Eli inherit the priesthood from their father, Eli, but Samuel? Tell me, why didn’t the family of King Saul take over the kingship, but David? And tell me, why didn’t the Apostles come from the earthly family of the Lord?
8. Please could you tell me, therefore, why the Apostles didn’t transfer apostolic leadership to their respective and immediate families? Maybe if they had done that, these fake ministers of the Lord of Christian religion, who are: GOs, archbishops, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, reverends……etc., couldn’t have been able to sinfully establish and own synagogues of Satan, called churches, today!
9. In as much as salvation is rooted in the family, succession as to leadership is not necessarily from the same family. The Lord’s anointing is from the heart of men; for the Lord looks at the heart and makes his anointing. Therefore, note: leadership is not salvation. Leadership is a responsibility that might make or destroy you. Leadership, the scripture stated, comes with greater strictness and severity of judgment from the Lord. So, you have to be very careful when you clamor for leadership and device and implement self-succession plan by immediate family. Fool!
10. Evil people! Matt.7:22-23; Matt23:1-39
11. Forgetting that friendship with the world is enmity with God. That you cannot serve mammon and God at the same time.
12. Fools! Ps.10:4; Ps.14:1; Ps.53:1
13. Hopefully, everyone would heed to the warning of the Lord in Rev.18:2-3 saying,
“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! It has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt of every foul spirit, a haunt of every foul and hateful bird; for all nations have drunk the wine of her impure passion, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich with the wealth of her wantonness.”
Why Repentance?
14. The scripture says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The fall of Adam and Eve by the disobedience of the word of God brought about sin and death to all mankind.
15. God was taken aback by the fall of man, and therefore changed his divine plan in a bid to redeem man from the resultant sin and death.
16. God’s ultimate divine plan from the beginning for man is to walk to eternal life – to achieve eternal life through obedience to his commandment, word or Spirit. Man is created from the dust of the earth by God and gave him his Spirit to quicken him to eternal life through obedience of his word, commandment or Spirit.
17. With the breath of God upon man, man became a living soul expected to walk to eternal life through obedience to the word of God – the primary divine purpose of creating man. Therefore, the main divine purpose of God for creating man is for eternal life, that is for man to live as God. What a loving God!
18. But, the fall of never stopped God from achieving this divine purpose of eternal life for man; rather the fall of man, made God to approach the divine purpose of eternal life for man from a different divine angle.
19. God has already a divine plan B, should man disobey him and eventually fall. Therefore, immediately after the fall of man, God’s divine plan B, automatically takes effect; God immediately manifested divine plan B: to redeem or save man from the resultant sin and death to eternal life through repentance.
20. To achieve the decisive divine purpose of saving man from the sin and death, the ultimate price must be paid for complete redemption of man unto salvation. Unfortunately, there is no other one to pay the ultimate price of redemption of man from sin and death unto salvation order than the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ.
21. Therefore, it became a divine necessity for the Son of God, Christ Jesus to take up the challenge of the redemption of man unto salvation.
22. Consequently, God has to send him, Christ Jesus out of love for mankind – the world in order to lead man to eternal life the primary divine purpose of God from the beginning.
23. So, man indispensably needs to repent to earn the free gift of repentance unto salvation, why repentance.
24. Why repentance is the only way, the truth and the life to eternal life for man. Therefore, if you do not sincerely repent, you will surely perish! Yes!!
25. Only true repentance through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit shall you be really saved unto salvation. Period!
26. True repentance is the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto salvation.
27. Conviction of sin is the divine ability of the Holy Spirit to bring to man the right knowledge and understanding and consequences of sin, in a bid to link the heart of man to Jesus Christ for salvation.
28. Therefore, the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus is the foundation of true repentance unto salvation!
29. Therefore, true repentance unto salvation is the reason you are living, or you are dead already, for the scripture noted in Eccl.12:13-14,
“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. God will bring every deed into judgment, every secret thing, whether good or evil.”
How to gain True Repentance!
30. True repentance is the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus unto salvation.
31. Conviction of sin is the divine ability of the Holy Spirit to bring to man the right knowledge and understanding and consequences of sin, in a bid to link the heart of man to Jesus Christ for salvation.
32. Therefore, the acceptance of conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus is the foundation of true repentance unto salvation!
33. So, to gain true repentance, you MUST through genuine humility and not religious humility, as an ardent church-goer, but, from the heart confess or accept you are a sin before God through Christ Jesus, and thus penitently ask for forgiveness in forsaking sin irrespective of religious association. Consequently, in this process the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus will come in to convict you of sin, righteousness and judgment leading you to lay a strong foundation of true repentance on the cornerstone of the Lord.
34. Upon this strong foundation of true repentance on the cornerstone of the Lord, you start building a living block or walking to or working out your salvation with fear and trembling of the Lord, as noted by the scripture.
35. If your repentance in the Lord is true, challenges, afflictions and temptations of the evil one – Satan must come but by no means you will fall headlong with it; for the Lord will deliver you all from them. For the scripture says, that, so many are the afflictions of the righteous but God through Christ Jesus delivers him all from them. Yes, you might fall, but will not fall headlong.
36. In true repentance in the Lord, the sufferings associated with it are of the flesh, while the joy is of the Spirit. In true repentance in the Lord, the flesh will relentlessly complain or war against the Spirit but cannot prevail over it.
37. Remember, that it is in the sufferings of the fresh you shall gain salvation, that is in the war against the flesh shall you be saved by the Lord, and not by these so-called GOs, bishops, senior pastors, pastors, prophets, prophetesses, evangelists, apostles, preachers, teachers, reverends………etc. Hypocrites!
38. For the way is narrow and difficult that leads to eternal life, says the Lord; and few people found it. In true repentance in the Lord, you MUST face challenges, afflictions and temptations of the evil one – Satan, but they are recipes to your salvation; you will surely take advantage of them to gain eternal life. For the battle is of the Lord, so also victory belongs to him; you are just a warrior!
39. Salvation in true repentance is a war. And the greatest war is against yourself. Yes, you are battling yourself, which is your flesh, which is the power of darkness in spiritual places. And you are contending or battling with them by the power of Light – that’s the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus.
40. Therefore, your battle is not against flesh and blood, that is your fellow human beings. No! But against your flesh, that is the power of darkness that dwells in the spiritual realm, constantly attacking your spirit, soul and body.
41. They attack sometimes seems to come from flesh and blood, that is your fellow human beings, mainly of same household, but your reaction to it which comes from you, that is your spirit determines victory or fall.
42. So, if your response exudes goodness, victory is yourself or you fall victim to the attack. For in a true repented heart comes good, which is used to overcome evil. But, in exchange good for evil comes at a cost – self-denial, righteous pains, humility over pride, and the sufferings of the flesh – a sustained injury. And the reward which comes from the Lord, over the battle won against the evil attack, is bountiful, surpassing at the long run the associated pains and sufferings.
43. Therefore, true repentance unto salvation is the reason you are living, or you are dead already, for the scripture noted in Eccl.12:13-14,
“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. God will bring every deed into judgment, every secret thing, whether good or evil.”
44. I pray to the Lord according to the will of the Father, God that all should come to true repentance unto salvation. Amen!